Apologies for the sheer whinginess of yesterday’s post, I was feeling somewhat sorry for myself. Sorry! Thank you for the lovely comments though.

It’s daft really, falling pregnant at the moment really isn’t a sensible option. There’s a possibility of Mr H being made redundant in November which could mean us moving house to go to another job or even having no income for a bit if he can’t find anything. Doing this heavily pregnant or with a tiny baby would not be easy. We moved into this house when the munchkin was just 3 months old which meant I couldn’t help much with the moving and could do only a little of the packing. Adding a toddler into the mix would mean i could do even less. With just the munchkin we would be fine.

More than anything else at the moment (and more than I ever imagined I could be) I’m desperate for another child. Waiting until November (or possibly before) when we’ll find out what’s happening with Mr H’s job before even considering trying for a baby (this month was a bit of a slip up…). The thought of waiting so long is just horrible, I want to be pregnant now!

I’m just going to have to enjoy being mummy to the munchkin, she is (usually!) an absolute joy to be around. My time to be a mummy again will come, it’s just going to be a lesson in patience.

On another note…

Potty training is going ok. Nine accidents yesterday and 2 small wees in the potty. Not too bad. The munchkin was very good at weeing as soon as I let her get up from ther potty!

We’re had 2 small accidents so far this morning. I knew she needed a wee because she was crossing her legs and squirming! She had two little leaks and I put her on the potty immediately. After the second one I sat her on the potty with a biscuit and while that distracted her she relaxed enough to wee! She tried to get up mid way and told me it was a mess but she did it and got lots of praise. It does show she’s holding it in and knows when she needs to go though.

Hopefully we’ll manage to use the potty again later, we’ll see!

Well, I was given a reason for the lethargy yesterday, and not the reason I was really hoping. Yes, it’s that time of the month. There was a chance that I was pregnant (and by our past history a very high chance) and Mr H and I both thought I was. Instead my body decided to through us off the scent completely and give me the period from hell a day early!

I spent the time after church yesterday intermittently crying (I’m so desperate for another baby even though I know the timing is rubbish) and curled up in a ball with cramps. Not my idea of a fun way to spend a Sunday.

Thanks to generally feeling rough I’ve eaten rather a lot of junk over the last few days. I did intend to weigh in this morning but forgot, so hopefully I’ll remember tomorrow, though I suspect that I won’t have lost an ounce, rather that I’ll have put on. I’m going to have to focus on getting back on track, though maybe not until the backache etc have eased!

The munchkin slept for 3 hours as soon as we got back from church (given that she didn’t go to sleep until 11pm on Saturday that was much needed) which gave me a little rest. We did try and start potty training a little when she got up, however in the 3 1/2 hours before we put her to bed we had one accident and the grand total of zero successes!

So far this morning we’ve been up and nappy free for 2 hours and we’ve had no wees anywhere! I suspect that she may be waiting until I’m not ready or have just popped to the bathroom/kitchen…

Anyway, on those lines I’m going to go and play with the munchkin a bit more in the hopes that I can get her on the potty in time! Apologies for the very random nature of this post, I keep leaping up to put someone on the potty!


ps. Within a minute of me writing the comment below the munchkin had a huge wet accident in the middle of the living room floor! ooppss!

I’m having a lethargic couple of days, I haven’t wanted to do much other than crash out on the sofa and read books with the munchkin. I’m not sure why, which is really frustrating. I should be sorting out the piles of junk on the dining room table or tidying the piles of other junk in the corner of our bedroom (no idea why they’ve ended up there), but I can’t get the motivation together at all. Grrr….

 I think I’m going to have a quiet morning with the munchkin this morning before we go off to toddler group and then walk into town to buy the necessary bits for potty training. Hopefully the motivation will return and the lethargy will go over the weekend.

 I’m going to disappear now and try and beat the cravings for the yummy looking millionaires shortjack that missbliss has posted on her foodie blog (it may be a good thing that I don’t have any condensed milk in the cupboard!).

This is probably TMI but anyway, it made me smile.

 I was standing on the landing the afternoon putting the washing out to dry while the munchkin was wandering around. She decided to take an interest in the potty (we’ve not started training yet but it’s in the bathroom so she gets used to it). She sat on it, mimed reading a book and then raced off to get one to read while sitting there! That’s not something I ever do so she must have got that from Mr H.

Hmmmm, I think we may have to start potty training soon, she’s been getting more interested in what we’re doing in the bathroom lately and she’s getting better at telling me when there’s something in her nappy. I was hoping to postpone it a bit, we’ve got a busy few weeks ahead, but maybe I’ll just have to go for it! Argh!

I’ve been following Nathan and Tricia’s story for a few weeks now, and after seeing these posts I just had to add my list of things I’d love Tricia to experience.

  • The smile you get when you go into Gwyneth’s bedroom in a morning to get her up.
  • The first time Gwyneth treads on your toes
  • When she blows her hair off her forehead when trying to blow bubbles or blow candles out
  • Seeing her run up to Nathan when he comes home and gives him a huge hug
  • When she gives you hugs/kisses for no apparent reason
  • The first time she tries to tickle you
  • When you show Gwyneth a picture of herself and ask her who it is and she says ‘you’
  • Giving Gwyneth her first spoon of solid food and seeing the expression of wonder/what’s that on her face
  • Playing tents in your bed in the morning
  • Reading stories with Gwyneth and her knowing them so well she finishes off the sentences for you
  • Seeing Gwyneth shaking shakers/tambourines/waving flags/ribbons during worship at church (I love watching the munchkin listening to the songs and doing this)

That’s all I can think of for now, I may add to this later.

Having started the housework fantasticallythis morning I’m now playing catch up after losing an hour to trying to get the munchkin to say sorry for whacking me around the head with a metal pole (on of the supports for her playpen which we were rebuilding to turn into a play house)! Ok, so it was an accident, but she still hurt me so needed to apologise. I eventually got it from her just as I was about to give up. She knows full well how to say sorry, but just doesn’t when asked to. Argh! I suppose we’ll get there one day, it’s just frustrating. We’re not getting thank yous from her at all either. Absolutely no attempt what so ever. Grrrr.

Anyway, I’ve just eaten my lunch and now need to go back to the house stuff. I’ll hopefully be back to read some blogs later on.

Not a bad start, a 1 1/2 lb loss this week.

I’ve been reasonably good with what I’m eating this week, less snacking mainly. I’m still struggling to drink enough but I’m making that my mission this week. Itr’s not unusual for me just to have 2 cups of tea and 1 or sometimes 2 glasses of squash! What I have found to help that in the past was to make up a big jug of sugar free squash in the morning and leave it on the breakfast bar so I can refill my glass very easily. I’m going to give that another try, and see if it helps again.

I bought some nice smoked salmon and frozen prawns at the weekend so I’m going to be having lots of yummy fish salads for lunches/dinners this week and I also bought some tasty looking salad potatoes to have either with salads or with the gammon steaks that Mr H saw and decided to have for a change.

Hopefully the combination of nice fresh food and more liquid will help me have another weight loss next week. There’s 8 weeks now until my nephew’s christening (I was told off by my sister on the phone for calling it his baptism!) and even at a lb a week that’s still over 1/2 a stone lost….I can do it!

I’ve not got a huge amount to say today so I thought I’d do another little comments follow up and then show you some photos.

Mumof4 – I do have a couple of different types of splint, both horrible brown velcro with a metal brace from the hospital and a neoprene support that I bought in Boots when it flared up on holiday and I’d not thought to take a splint with me. I tend to use the neoprene one more, it’s a lot more comfortable and seems to help just as much. I’ve been wearing it for two days now, I didn’t put it on this morning, though I suspect I may end up going to get it soon – typing doesn’t help when it flares up (hence no post yesterday!).

Missbliss – I suspect I was about your age when I had her, I was 24 and Mr H had turned 24 just 5 days before. I know what you mean about the girls with several by 17 – my cousin was one of them! Her first was born when she was 15, just before her GCSEs! She then had a second shortly after, split with her boyfriend and eventually married someone else at 22, they now have another little one.

Here are the vaguely promised photos of the munchkin’s room. I had to have the camera on my shoulder and take several shots ot have a chance of a reasonable that shows anything as the room is that small! Please ignore the nasty peeling wallpaper parts…they’re horrible. Thankfully the munchkin hasn’t peeled any more off now we’ve removed the cot. This is the paper and curtains that were up when we moved in, it was so perfect for our little lady.

 The munchkin is trying to get some books from her book case here:

Munchkin’s room - 1

 She’s struggling because we’ve had to put some padding round the edge of the bed afterwe think she may have banged her head last night! (hence the cot mattress and camping mat round the edges) The brown chair is the old nursing chair that my mum used for my sister and I. It’s battered and squeaks a lot but it’s very comfortable. We sit on there when we give her her bedtime milk and story.

Munchkin’s room - 2

I’ve just had to stop in the middle of typing this as the munchkin fell down the whole flight of stairs – bringing the baby gate part way down with her! She’s fine (though she does have a carpet burn on her forehead), but I’ve taken the gate apart, I’m fed up of her swinging on it! We may have to think up some other way of keeping her upstairs in a morning now…

That’s my word for the morning!

It started with the munchkin dropping her head onto my nose while in bed this morning, she was playing there while Mr H was showering. Definitely an ouch! There was even a crunch sound! We then spent the next 20 minutes trying to get the munchkin to say something resembling sorry (for hurting Mummy). How did you teach your child/children to say sorry? We’re really not getting anywhere with that one. We just tend to get lots of tears instead. We eventually heard the so sound and gave up at that tihis morning. The frustrating thing is that we know she can say the word sorry as we’ve heard it as she’s been chattering away to herself when she’s been playing.

Another ouch this morning was when I weighed myself…my heaviest this year! Thankfully no heavier than I was when on Slimming World properly last year but still 6 lbs (!!!) heavier than when I last weighed myself! I’ve created myself a food diary sheet to pin on the fridge, I just hope now that I can stick to it and remember to write down exactly what I eat when (no cheating…). I wonder how long I can do that for….my guess is not very long, I’ve printed out sheets for 4 weeks and I really don’t want to miss out too many days on that (no more than one a week is my challenge).

The third (and hopefully final) ouch of the morning is my wrist. For some reason my tensonitis has had a big flare up this morning, I couldn’t lift the kettle to make myself and Mr H a cup of tea earlier. I suspect it partly due to using the touch pad on the laptop. Mr H has dug out a wireless mouse for me to use, hopefully that’ll help, ibuprofen has done nothing to it this morning.

After staying in bed and sleeping well for the first two nights in her bed the munchkin was up for an hour in the middle of last night! I was not impressed! Mr H and I were late to bed so being up for so long was not pleasant. She didn’t come out of her room (she managed to close her door further rather than open it) but I could hear her moving around and chattering. I eventually put a CD on (she often has music playing when she goes to bed) and at 3:30 there was peace. I didn’t hear her again until Mr H’s alarm went off at 7:40 (actually it went off at 7:30 but I didn’t hear that one at all). She came in to us then for hugs.

Still, moving the munchkin to a bed has gone a lot better than it could have done. She’s not napped in her bed (too many distractions) but I’m hoping that will change (either that or we’ll be going for lots of walks after lunch to try and get her to sleep in her pushchair!)

I will try and get some photos of her new look room on here, but I’m not sure whether I can do that, her room is only 2m by 3m so I’m not sure I’ll be able to get much into view. If I do manage it please ignore the places on her wall where the little minx has been peeling the wallpaper off! In her defense it was put up very badly by the previous owners of the house and their DIY skills were definitely limited! She has stopped now afetr being told off several times, we just can’t redecorate it until the summer.

The other big news from the weekend is that I now have a laptop! Due to Mr H and I fighting over the computer in an evening we’ve been half thinking of it but dismissed it as too expensive (I want one I can play the Sims 2 on). However while shopping in Aldi on Saturday we saw they still had a Medion Akoya in stock for £499 with a three year warranty. After a bit of a discussion and me offering to put £100 into it (advance use of birthday money) and Mr H saying that £50 of it could be my birthday, Easter and Mothering Sunday presents we bought it! We hadn’t spent any of the Christmas money we were all given so that’s made up a lot of the rest. It’s going to be mainly mine but a family machine as well.

I’m still trying to get used to it. It’s running Vista and I’ve not used that before so there’s a couple of differences to get used to, but generally I’m very pleased. We’ve not set up the netwprk drives and printer on it yet, but Mr H will do that soon (he’s already spent the whole weekend tweaking the set up of it and changing the hard drive partitioning).

I’ve got to disappear and get more of the housework done now but I’ll be back later sitting on teh sofa with my shiny new laptop to catch up on your blogs (I hope!). Bye!